You have been feeling pretty good lately, and then all of a sudden you do something small and your back or neck out and you are in lots of pain. What happened?
Slowly over time, your vertebrae go out of place again, your muscles get a little lax and without realizing it you do something as simple as picking up small box wrong and your back can’t take it. How do you prevent this from happening?
Get adjusted by Dr. Zager periodically, before you are in pain. For some people who are pretty healthy and do their exercises regularly it can be once every 2 – 3 months. For people who are older or have had lots of injuries over the years it will be between every 2 – 4 weeks.
By getting adjusted periodically you will be making sure that your vertebrae are properly aligned and not compressing any of the nerve roots. Your muscles will also be balanced and not continually contracting (where you feel lots of muscle knots) and aching.
From a financial standpoint, it is a lot more cost efficient to have periodic adjustments than to wait for six months and then have to pay for several adjustments all in a short timeframe when you least expect it. It is also takes less adjustments to correct a problem when it is small, rather than when you are in acute pain.